Comprehensive Planning SERVICES PROVIDED BY
Comprehensive Emergency Management Planning
NAEM has extensive experience in assisting in the development and updating of emergency and business continuity plans. We have decades of experience in state and local emergency management and are intimately familiar with all phases of emergency mitigation, preparation, response and recovery.
We provide clients with the knowledge and support they need to develop and refine plans and procedures that are compliant with the Standardized Emergency Management System (SIMS), National Incident Management System (NIMS) and other accepted standards, and that also work with the culture and structure of your organization.
We offer the following services as a comprehensive package or as individual options to fit your needs: |
Gap Analysis
NAEM principals are experienced working with Fortune 500 companies, state and local governments and agencies, nonprofits organizations, and educational institutions. The Gap Analysis allows clients to focus efforts on areas of weakness. We will provide guidance and the steps necessary to meet the mandated requirements and to correct any shortfalls in mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery planning. We can do this by:
- Examining current emergency programs, plans and procedures to identify issues that would have an adverse impact on the effectiveness of response and recovery of your organization in a real event
- Compare your plans to federally mandated requirements, and state, nationally and internationally accepted standards and best practices
- Make suggestion on how to revise current plans to address issues uncovered in the Gap Analysis
Crisis Communications
Effective communication is the most common failure point for organizations during emergencies. The effectiveness, credibility, and reputation of an organization is at stake regardless of the type of organization. As experienced emergency management professionals, NAEM helps organizations use communications to support effective responses and to communicate with internal and external stakeholders. We help clients create response triggers, develop communications mechanisms, and provide accurate and effective internal and external communication by:
- Helping clients prepare effective internal emergency communication so that there is coordination and information sharing between responders and decision makers
- One on one crisis communication training with a media expert to ensure that senior officials of your organization are prepared to face the media and deliver an effective message
- Helping clients explore the use of emergency notification systems to provide accurate, actionable and real time information for stake holders
Preparedness Services
NAEM helps ensure that your business, educational institution, governmental organization, or private nonprofit is fully prepared to meet the challenges of emergencies and disasters of any kind. We work with clients to take an all-hazards approach to prepare for events or threats with a customized program to ensure an adequate state of readiness by:
- Examining current operations and identifying critical organization or business functions that can suffer no interruption or that need to be up and running as quickly as possible following a a shutdown caused by an emergency or disaster
- Develop a continuity of operation plan that identifies the steps needed to manage events and response, and to keep critical functions operational or get them up and running following a disaster
- Identify an organizational structure to manage the response and recovery, and a response structure to maintain or restart critical functions following a disaster
Response Services
NAEM helps ensure an appropriate response to disasters by designing management and response training programs and conducting exercises to test the readiness of your organization. We design these programs to fit the culture and unique operations of your organization. We can design training programs to address the following areas:
- Emergency Management - Emergency management structure, process and procedures to manage an emergency, communication procedures, and checklist for each position in your organization
- Field Response - Response structure and organization, response process and procedures, communication procedures, and checklists for response personnel
NAEM can design and conduct training and exercises to test the effective of the planning and training effort.
For more information please contact Frank Lucier at 415-298-NAEM(6236) flucier at naem.com
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